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Team Spotlight: Team L.T.K. Live to be Kind

Inspire Health Event Calendar February 19, 2020

Athena Chu, cancer survivor and team captain of Team L.T.K. Live to be Kind, is taking part in her fourth Rain Walk this year.  She and her fellow cancer survivors walk to honour each other and to raise funds needed to allow InspireHealth to continue to provide programs and services to our cancer community.

“In early January 2015, I was very confused and afraid. I just had surgery for breast cancer followed by radiation and hormone therapy. Fortunately, the cancer was caught early, but I didn’t know what to do next.  In my search for answers, I met a dietitian from InspireHealth who was giving a talk about diet and cancer at my local supermarket.  She provided me with information which lead me to attend their Fireside Information Session and their LIFE Program.

It has been a blessing coming to Inspire Health.  It is a place that empowers me. It provides me with opportunities for physical, emotional and social well-being through counselling, exercise, yoga, art therapy, nutritional talks, and other activities.  I have learned so much from InspireHealth. I have made many friends and have improved my quality of life. The best thing about Inspire Health is the friendliness and the positive environment it creates. Everyone is always cheerful, helpful, and supportive.

Participating in the Rain Walk is a great way to help raise funds for Inspire Health so that they can continue to provide the services that have helped me so much. There is an old Chinese saying: ‘Give and you will receive 7-fold in return.’ I have reaped many rewards from InspireHealth. I encourage you to reach out to your family and friends to support InspireHealth.”

– Athena Chu

Today, Athena and her team of champions have raised $3,507.00 and counting!

Please help InspireHealth continue to provide FREE services to our cancer community by registering to walk or making a donation.

If you need help or have questions, please contact an InspireHealth Centre near you.