Nutrition Support

Nutrition can play an important role in your general health during cancer and can also be utilized to address specific concerns such as nausea, digestive issues, poor appetite and weight changes. Patients will be provided with a one-on-one consultation with one of our registered dietitians.

During this appointment, there will be a review of your health history and current nutrition intake, including considerations for treatment side effects, digestion, immune support, and appetite and overall nutritional well-being. Our nutrition team will explore how food breaks down in your body and factors that may be affecting current intake, including the social and emotional considerations of food and eating. The main goal of our nutrition team is to support in decreasing fear and anxiety around food choices. Our nutrition team welcomes any questions you may have around food, diet, vitamins and supplements, etc.

Follow-up visits are available as needed.

“[My dietitian] offered many tips and insights which were both insightful and tailor-made to my situation. I could not have hoped for more.” TF

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