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Jeanne’s Journey of Health

Inspire Health Event Calendar May 29, 2020

Today, during this time of COVID-19, I find InspireHealth’s online classes help me stay in shape, work on my physical problems and limitations and, very importantly, to reconnect with others in a healthy way; especially during this time of social distancing and self-isolation.
Jeanne K, cancer patient and artist

“When I was first confronted with breast cancer, now over 20 years ago, I kept it quiet.  I struggled by myself. It was a scary, confusing and lonely time.  A few years ago, I got another breast cancer diagnosis and had to have a full mastectomy on my one breast.  It took me 3 months to recover.

A little over a year later, I had a second mastectomy. There are a lot of decisions to make when you have cancer and it is very overwhelming when you have to make them by yourself.  I tried to find adjusted restorative exercises and yoga classes and came across InspireHealth.  I was so happy to find out that InspireHealth offered FREE supportive care to anyone with cancer.  You know, when you’re sick, it’s not cheap – it’s pretty expensive to be ill.  At InspireHealth, I took a two-day introductory program, signed up for nutritional advice, doctor’s appointments, counselling, exercise and yoga classes.  I also met fellow patients at the centre who are supportive and fun.  Thanks to InspireHealth, my friends and fellow patients, I was back at work only 5 weeks after my surgery instead of 3 months.

Today, during this time of COVID-19, I find InspireHealth’s online class offerings very helpful.  They encourage me to keep a rhythm in my day.  I can follow and do the exercises classes at my own level while working on specific problems related to my past surgeries.  The classes help me stay in shape, work on my physical problems and limitations and, very importantly, to reconnect with others in a healthy way; especially during this time of social distancing and self-isolation.

“InspireHealth has such a friendly, hopeful and encouraging atmosphere.  It makes me feel surrounded by people who understand. The support from InspireHealth staff was amazing and invaluable to my recovery.”