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Nutrient-Rich Plants that Grow in Small Spaces

Inspire Health Event Calendar June 6, 2023


Nutrient-Rich Plants that Grow in Small Spaces

Wishing for more garden space as food costs rise?

Even in small spaces, there are many plants you can grow that will deliver many nutritional benefits.

Not only is it more economical to grow food when you can, but seeing plants you have grown springing up in your own space can be incredibly rewarding and provide a wealth of nutritional benefits.

Mainly, you are looking for plants that have shorter root systems and don’t need as much space to grow like herbs, greens, and even flowers!

Read on for some ideas to try!


Not only are herbs a delicious way to add flavour and brightness to any dish, they also contain a variety of antioxidants and nutrients. If you can buy herbs with roots at your grocery store, try planting them directly in a pot with soil, watering, and placing in a sunny location. Herbs that love being grown in pots include:

  • Basil
  • Greek Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Mint and Lemon balm (these are best grown in containers as they are invasive, it can take over your space if not contained!)


Salad greens from the store can wilt rather quickly in the fridge.  Try growing your own to allow you to experience different kinds of flavours such as:

  • Chard
  • Kale
  • Lettuces try a mustard variety if you like spicy greens
  • Pac Choi
  • Microgreens
  • Arugula

Edible flowers

Did you know that many flower petals are edible? From the scent and color to nutritional value, adding a few petals to even the most basic of dishes ups the culinary wow tenfold. They can be used to garnish everything from salads and soups, to meat and fish dishes, iced teas and desserts.

Below are just a few of the many edible flowers to choose from. Ensure that when choosing flowers for culinary use, they are organic or wild-growing (i.e. not sprayed) and make certain you have confirmed the identity of the flower before eating it. Nasturtiums

  • Roses
  • Calendula
  • Chive Flowers
  • Echinacea
  • Squash Blossom
  • Viola

Green onions

Green onions can easily be grown from their roots! next time you buy green onions at the store, save the rooted end and white part. Simply place the roots into a shallow container of water or pot, and watch the onion continue to grow!


For multiple harvests throughout the summer, try the everbearing variety!


Can easily be grown in containers on a balcony if you don’t have much space but ample sunlight!


For growing in pots, try the “patio snackers” variety.

Regardless of how you use them, growing your own foods can make the experience of eating both artful and nourishing.  Experiment, enjoy the season and allow yourself to think outside the box of what we eat in the plant kingdom.

For a great local guide of what to consider when starting your own container garden, refer to West Coast Seeds Container Garden Guide: