Become a Society Member

Society Membership applications for 2024 - 2025 are now open.

Join as a society member and support our mission to support people affected by cancer — to enhance their quality of life and well-being by integrating evidence-based practices that support the mind, body and spirit. Personal empowerment and choice are encouraged at InspireHealth, including supporting our patients to learn about their diagnosis and the ways they can support their own health and well-being. Our team of supportive care physicians, counsellors, dietitians, and exercise therapists provide FREE individual appointments, and group classes, programs, and workshops. No referral is required. 

If you believe BC needs more person-centred care and want to see these services grow and expand, we invite you to become a  society member. We want members who feel passionate about all cancer patients in BC having the experience of choice and engagement in supporting their health and well-being. 

Please note that memberships are valid for one year and must be renewed annually. To be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024, membership forms must be submitted online along with a payment of $10 by Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Membership Benefits: 

The opportunity to participate in: 

  • Fellowship with others with shared values 
  • Special events and fundraising 
  • Expanding InspireHealth’s circle of support 
  • Volunteer activities 
  • Voting privileges at InspireHealth Society’s Annual General Meeting (September 19th, 2024)

You will receive: 

  • InspireHealth’s Monthly Newsletter keeping you in touch with Society news, programs and services 
  • InspireHealth’s Annual Report

There are two steps to register as a Society member: 

  1. Please complete your personal information and click  Submit Application 
  2. Then continue to make your membership payment for $10 and click  Submit