In the Media

InspireHealth CEO Loveena Chera is featured in CBC Asian Heritage Month!

May is Asian Heritage Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the rich history, contributions and achievements of Asian Canadians in the community.

To commemorate the occasion, CBC British Columbia is sharing inspiring stories of trailblazing Asian Canadians who are making a difference in our communities and paving the way for generations to come.

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Kamloops cancer support organizations join together to bring supportive cancer care.

KAMLOOPS — Fifty per cent of people in Kamloops will be affected by a cancer diagnosis. With that in mind, Kamloops Cancer Supportive Care Society (KCSCS) has partnered with InspireHeath to bring the two-day InspireHealth Life Program to the city. The goal is to provide easier access to supportive care services for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers.

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CFJC Midday – Strength, empowerment and beauty; get your own LUMP while giving back to Inspire Health Cancer Supportive Care.

RIH Foundation’s Marisa Bertoli and Cancer Survivor Corrine Schelle, explain the importance behind the LUMP Foundation and showcase the beautiful plush that can be purchased with all proceeds going to Inspire Health Cancer Supportive Care. Corrine shares her own cancer journey and personal experience using Inspire Health.

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Virtual support services now available for Prince George cancer patients, July 2022

Cancer patients and caregivers in Prince George can now access supportive care programs at no charge through the InspireHealth virtual care platform.

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Wrap-around cancer supports in Kamloops boosted with addition of InspireHealth services – CFJC Today Kamloops, June 2022

On June 21st, the Kamloops Cancer Supportive Care Society and the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation are bringing together cancer supportive care specialists from InspireHealth and BC Cancer, Interior to talk about the role that supportive care can play in a patient’s cancer experience.

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Cancer Survivor Creates Pillows to Show Importance of Early Detection – CTV News Vancouver, May 2022

Devonna Gaglardi, founder of the LUMP Foundation (supporting InspireHealth) and Loveena Chera, InspireHealth’s CEO were interviewed on CTV News Vancouver’s evening edition, reminding the public of the lifesaving importance of early breast cancer detection.

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LUMP Reminds Women to Check for Lumps This Mother’s Day – BC Parent Newsmagazine, May 2022

InspireHealth’s message about the LUMP Pillows and early breast cancer detection was also featured in BC Parent Newsmagazine.

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