
Beginner's Strength & Stretch

Adapted for beginner’s, this class serves as an introduction to strength training by leading participants through a series of low impact, full body exercises while participants are encouraged to work at their own pace. Modifiable for all levels.

Chair Yoga

Aimed at optimizing accessibility, this class aims to accommodate all participants by removing the physical challenges of getting up and down from the floor. The gentle, yet deep practice provides a series of modifiable poses focused on improving strength, flexibility and balance while using breath awareness to calm body and mind. Modifiable for all levels.

Gentle Yoga

Explore the connection between breath and movement while taking the time to relax and gently stretch the body. Move through seated, standing, and balance postures, and finish with a restorative relaxation time. Modifiable for all levels.

Group Strength and Cardio

Elevate the heart rate and get the body moving! This class focuses on aerobic movements while incorporating strength exercises to provide a full body conditioning workout. Modifiable for all levels.

Qi Gong

Prepare the body for sleep through gentle movement and relaxation, this class uses Qigong, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote holistic wellness at all the levels of mind, body, and spirit. Modifiable for all levels.

Restorative Yoga

Progress the body and mind to a place of relaxation, rest, and gentle opening. This class moves through a series of seated and lying down yoga postures to provide participants with a renewed sense of vitality and wellness. Modifiable for all levels.

Strength & Stretch

Build strength, endurance, and flexibility. This class includes a combination of resistance, balance, and aerobic movements to provide a full body workout. Modifiable for all levels.

Nutritional Learning

Join our nutrition team for themed discussions and workshops to continue your understanding of nutrition and health.  Check out our local calendar for our schedule of events.

Please note: Initial nutrition consultation required before attending any nutrition classes.

Online Learning: Nutritional Webinars

We offer a variety of nutritional webinars available on our website for access at any time.

Grati-Tuesday – A Gratitude Meditation

Designed to promote wellness through gratitude, this class provides participants an opportunity to breathe together and take a moment of pause to be thankful. Gratitude habits are sometimes difficult to form alone, so join us in community to end your day with an attitude of gratitude As with all of InspireHealth’s group classes, participants are welcome to share however there is no pressure to do so as sharing is not mandatory.


Meditation is a simple means to relax our busy minds. Practicing meditation helps us enhance our sense of peace, optimism and confidence. These classes support participants to release stress, tension, anxiety and depression. When these states of mind are less prominent, many notice that joy, gratitude and hope are easier to access within themselves. Meditation helps us to re-learn a skill often lost since childhood – the ability to relax at will and return to our natural state of inner balance.

InspireHealth’s classes are designed to introduce you to meditation or to support your existing practice. The focus is on calming the mind, developing mindfulness and acceptance, and connecting with intuitive wisdom. Classes incorporate instruction, readings, stories and individual sharing and may include setting an intention, a relaxation/body scan, following the breath, watching thoughts and/or a ‘loving kindness’ practice.

We offer meditation classes throughout the week both in the daytime and evening.

Online Meditation

Meditation is a simple means to relax our busy minds. Practicing meditation helps us enhance our sense of peace, optimism and confidence. These classes support participants to release stress, tension, anxiety and depression. When these states of mind are less prominent, many notice that joy, gratitude and hope are easier to access within themselves. Meditation helps us to re-learn a skill often lost since childhood – the ability to relax at will and return to our natural state of inner balance.

InspireHealth’s classes are designed to introduce you to meditation or to support your existing practice. The focus is on calming the mind, developing mindfulness and acceptance, and connecting with intuitive wisdom. Classes incorporate instruction, readings, stories and individual sharing and may include setting an intention, a relaxation/body scan, following the breath, watching thoughts and/or a ‘loving kindness’ practice.

We offer meditation classes throughout the week both in the daytime and evening.

Self-Care Workshop for Support People (Family, Friends and Loved Ones)

At InspireHealth, we understand that cancer affects not only the person living with the diagnosis, but family and friends as well. Supporting a loved one, family member or friend who is living with cancer can be rewarding but it can also be challenging. For some, self-care takes a back seat and this can lead to negative consequences including stress, resentment, guilt, and sometimes ill health. This workshop provides an opportunity to explore some practical, mental and emotional ideas and perspectives for working towards balancing taking care of ourselves while taking care of others.