Annual General Meeting 2018

The InspireHealth Annual General Meeting of the members of:


Will be held on: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM
At:  InspireHealth Vancouver Centre, Suite 200, 1330 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6H 4A6

RSVP by September 14th and if unable to attend please complete a Proxy Form.

Refreshments will be served.


  1. Approval of the 2017 AGM Minutes
  2. Receipt and approval of the Chair and President/CEO’s Reports
  3. Approval of audited financial statements for fiscal year ended Mar 31, 2018
  4. Appointment of the auditor
  5. Special Business: Proposed Bylaw Amendments
  6. Election of the Board of Directors for the 2018 / 2019 fiscal year
  7. Other Business
  8. Adjournment
  9. Open Forum

To access the audited financial statements, the proposed bylaw amendments or any other documents underlined in this Notice, please click on the link provided or request a copy free of charge at InspireHealth’s registered office as noted above.

Special Business: Proposed Bylaw Amendments

To amend the Bylaws of the Society as attached (with proposed revisions blacklined for reference).

Election of the Board of Directors for 2018 / 2019 – Proposed Directors
Election is for one, two or three year terms:

  • Bob Wiens – 1 year
  • Simon Sutcliffe – 1 year
  • Janine Brunelle – 2 years
  • Kathy McLaughlin – 2 years
  • Malcolm Griffin – 2 years
  • Natalie Tsang – 3 years
  • Alnesh Mohan – 3 years
  • Zouheir Mansourati – 3 years
Please RSVP by September 14th 
If you are attending the AGM, please confirm your attendance with our Vancouver centre:
  • Email at
  • In-person at the Vancouver Centre
  • Phone 604-734-7125 or toll free 1-888- 734-7125, if dialing from outside the Lower Mainland.

In the event that you are not able to attend the Annual General Meeting in person, please appoint a proxy to vote in your place by completing this Proxy Form. Please note Bylaw 4.13 (d) states “a proxy shall only be valid if in the form provided by the Society”.