Majid Khoury

Majid Khoury’s (Fellow CRIC, CAIP, CPMR) career spans over 30 years in research and evaluation. For the past 12 years, Majid has been working independently advising corporations, government organizations, small businesses and non-for-profits in the areas of marketing research and program evaluations.

He began his career with Tandemar Research (now Ipsos-ASI), the first advertising research focused company in Canada. He then set up a boutique communications research firm, marketexplorers, in Vancouver that was sold in 2002 to Ipsos ASI where Majid worked for 9 years prior to pursuing independent consulting work.

Majid has been volunteering with not-for-profits continuously since 1996. He was a board member with Volunteer Vancouver for 8 terms and with Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA) for 3 terms.

Majid is currently actively involved as a skilled volunteer in Arts Umbrella, Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Organization, Mentor Connect program with the Immigrant Employment Council of BC, SUCCESS and Modo Co-operative Car Sharing.