Tess Raithby

Counselling Program Lead,
Clinical Counsellor, Social Worker

Vancouver, Virtual

Tess joined the InspireHealth counselling team in 2021. She first connected with InspireHealth in 2017 as a practicum student and has previously worked with Alberta Cancer Care as a counsellor. Tess is committed to a person-centered approach and to meeting people where they are in their unique journey. She strives to hold space for each person to engage with the fullness of their experience — from grief and fear to joy and wonder. Tess believes in the power of human connection and self-exploration, and embraces both as foundational to our well-being and growth.

Tess has a special interest and additional training in supporting people with sexual health changes following cancer and treatment. She welcomes those seeking support around sexuality, intimacy, and relationships related to their cancer experience.

She loves to paint, write, and experiment with new forms of artistic expression. She is a houseplant enthusiast and a lover of walks without a destination.

Tess has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in psychology and a Master’s of Social Work (MSW) from the University of British Columbia. She is a registered social worker with the British Columbia College of Social Workers.